Senior Division
In the Senior Division, students with prior musical experience refine their skills to the highest standards and perform in their own concert series at various venues locally, around the United States, and internationally.
The Chicago Senior Division of the National Children’s Chorus currently consists of the Premier Ensemble and Scholars (SATB college-prep). Students participate in an exciting array of performances, presenting world premieres and collaborating with an exceptional roster of professional artists. The Senior Division also travels abroad in an international tour each summer, and has the opportunity to take part in the annual National Youth Opera Academy in August. Explore below for additional details on these ensembles.
Premier Ensemble
Ages 10-16, some experience to much experience
Members of the Premier Ensemble perform at an advanced level, and have a clear concept of beautiful tone, accurate intonation, crisp diction, and musical phrasing, in addition to possessing experience-based confidence and assertiveness as a solo and group performer. Students will be taught the highest levels of sophisticated choral technique that is utilized in all of the world’s finest adult choruses within the context of complex music featuring 3 and 4-part harmony. Singers at this level will participate in multiple performances and projects throughout the year, including collaborations with top artists, professional adult choruses, renowned orchestras and opera companies. In addition, specialized vocal study, and advanced Kodály technique are included as part of the curriculum.
Member Information
The Chorus is in session from September through May, and does not have rehearsals during the summer months of June, July and August. The Premier Ensemble rehearses in Evanston on Wednesday evenings in addition to individualized online musicianship training and coachings. Students participate in an exciting array of performances both locally and abroad. Please read below for more detailed information about scheduling and tuition, which will also be covered thoroughly during the application process.
Premier Ensemble
Training Schedule
Wednesday evenings & by appointment -
First Presbyterian Church of Evanston & NCC Virtual Classroom -
Ensemble Training
Music Theory & Sight-singing in the Kodály Method
Individualized Coachings with Conductor
Masterclass Series
Conservatory Classes (optional) -
Two concerts per year (Winter and Spring), as well as special artistic projects, international tours, and opera camp -
Approximately $319 per month.
Need-based scholarship awards are available to all qualifying families.
Ages 16-18, Most Experience Only
Members of the Scholars represent the NCC's most technically-skilled vocal group, with an emphasis on college-prep training, with its singers having received many years of experience at the Senior Division level (or equivalent). This SATB chorus serves as a critical bridge to university training and performing at the top level. All students in this group must be of high school age, and sing with exceptional artistic and technical command, both as a chorister and soloist. Concert engagements, as well as high-profile ensemble projects, will be a regular part of the experience. All boys in the NCC whose voices have changed to tenor or bass must sing in this group, and girls are admitted by special audition.
Member Information
The Chorus is in session from September through May, and does not have rehearsals during the summer months of June, July and August. The Scholars rehearse in Evanston on Wednesday evenings in addition to individualized online musicianship training and coachings. Students participate in an exciting array of performances both locally and abroad. Please read below for more detailed information about scheduling and tuition, which will also be covered thoroughly during the application process.
Training Schedule
Wednesday evenings & by appointment -
First Presbyterian Church of Evanston & NCC Virtual Classroom -
Ensemble Training
Advanced Sight Reading & Ear Training
Individualized Coachings with Conductor
Masterclass Series
College Application & Audition Preparation
Conservatory Classes (optional) -
Two concerts per year (Winter and Spring), as well as special artistic projects, international tours, and opera camp -
Approximately $369 per month.
Need-based scholarship awards are available to all qualifying families.